WHAT MAKES FOR A HAPPY HEALTHY YOU? Your Mental Health Matters! Part 2
Just to recap, in Part 1 we touched on:
1. Routine, routine, routine
2. Never underestimate the power of sleep!
3. Move it baby!
4. Nourish your body
5. Set digital boundaries for yourself
If you missed this blog post or fancy a wee refresh, check out Part 1!
Now let’s delve into the next 5 items for your Mental Health Toolkit:
6. Do a relationship audit
Stand back and try to have an objective look at your relationships; friends, family, colleagues, partners. Are these relationships having a positive effect on your health? Do you leave most encounters feeling happy and lifted, or heavier and flat? Is there friction that doesn’t seem to get resolved? Is there conflict?
Healthy and harmonious relationships lead to a much healthier and happier you. It’s that simple! Positive relationships actually boost your immunity! How cool is that? You feel accepted, safe, warm and nurtured. You laugh, you let your guard down, you trust, you relax.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Some relationships can be toxic. They may have always been toxic or they may go that way after a certain incident or two, or over time they just deteriorate. You may start out having a blast but it always ends in chaos, arguments, confusion and conflict. Over time, this becomes exhausting and takes a huge toll on your mental health. If you notice this pattern in some relationships, it may be time to re-establish those boundaries and remove or limit the toxicity from your life as best you can. No relationship is perfect, so don’t go looking for perfection! No relationship is healthy every single step of the way, so be realistic in your assessment. But behind every solid, healthy relationship should be a love, respect and a commitment to the relationship.
If you’re in a relationship that makes you constantly feel a sense of guilt, shame, insecurity and inferiority, it may be time to reassess. If the other person is always focusing on themselves and not listening to you and your needs then it may be time to reassess. If you voice concerns and are constantly disregarded, it may be time to reassess. Everyone has ups and downs. No-one is perfect. However if it is constant, ongoing belittling and negativity then you deserve better.
There are some fantastic resources on relationships on Invictus Psychological Services and Relationships Australia.
7. Start a Mood Journal
Take control of your mood, firstly by observing it. Notice how you feel each day and thought the day. What makes you feel better? What makes you feel worse? Are there any triggers? What are these triggers? Can they be avoided? How is your body feeling at the time? Are you rushing? Are you tired? Have you eaten well? When did you last talk to someone? Are you lethargic and sad and lacking energy? Have you lost motivation? Are you sleepy all the time? Are you shaky, edgy, anxious? It really doesn’t matter what it is - don’t place attachment or judgment to it, simply observe it. See if there are any patterns. See if you can take action to lift your mood by adding some new self care routines into your day.
Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash
8. Audit your Thoughts
Are you aware of your thought patterns? Do you often fall into that automatic downward spiral? Are you always comparing yourself to others and feeling pretty darn insecure? If so, start to audit these patterns and put a STOP to it! YOU are in control of your thoughts! Your thoughts are like clouds in the sky that float on by - they do NOT define us if we don’t ATTACH to them. So start to observe them, take note, tweak them to a more positive stance but don’t invest everything into them. Try to make your thought patterns more positive and action-based so you begin to set yourself achievable goals and work towards them. Don’t fill your head with fear, insecurity, guilt, shame and regret. That’s not going to help you move on and thrive is it?
Here’s a great article from 30 Seconds on doing a quick thought audit to help change your life for the better, and this article from Medium gives some great insights into the power of ruthlessly auditing your life to take control and start to thrive!
Photo by Ahtziri Lagarde on Unsplash
9. Do something that gives you joy every day
Make self-care a priority and schedule some time for it every single day. It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant, complicated or expensive. It can simply be the power of stopping and being present and appreciating the small things; time to read your book or magazine, time to enjoy the garden or some music, time to cook and eat healthy food, time to do art and craft or a jigsaw, time to watch a movie uninterrupted, time to have a cat nap, time to have a relaxing bath with lavender oils and nice bubbles, time to simply be present and content.
10. Ask for help
If you feel yourself going in a downward spiral - a rut you just can’t get out of - then ask for help. It’s a sign of strength to recognise it, own it and seek additional support. It often takes more courage to do this than to sit at home wallowing in self-pity. So reach out, get the support you need and pat yourself on the back for doing so.
Your mind may be feeling stressed, fuzzy and overwhelmed and by reaching out and getting professional help you may begin to see things more clearly, see different ways of feeling with what’s bothering you and learn a few more skills to add to your self help tool kit. So you go girl and get the help you need!
Beyond Blue has some great resources and your GP is on hand to help you get professional support if you need it.
Has this toolkit helped you make a positive change? Share your story with us!
If you or someone you know is in crisis and in need of urgent help, contact the following organisations who can provide help.
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636