We’ve all heard of Pilates, but most of us don’t know about it’s history. For example, when it originated, did you know that it wasn’t even called Pilates? That’s right, it was called,” Controlology”!
Pilates, (or should I say, “Controlology”) was founded by none other than Joseph Pilates. Joseph Pilates devised this form of fitness while he was a prisoner of war in a camp in England during World War I.
Let’s find out a little more about this legendary man;
The Early Years
Joseph Pilates was German. He was born in 1883. His father was born in Greece, and was a metal worker and enthusiastic gymnast. His mother was born in Germany and was a housewife.
Joseph was a poorly child, suffering from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. He spent all of his energy trying to improve his physical health.
His father introduced him to gymnastics, body building and martial arts such as boxing and jiu-jitsu.
Photo by Lorenzo Fattò Offidani on Unsplash
Health in Adulthood
In his adulthood, Joseph took up skiing and diving and continued with his passions of gymnastics and boxing. He led a very active lifestyle. He believed that poor lifestyle choices, poor breathing habits and bad posture lay at the root of many human physical ailments. His childhood health ailments disappeared by the time he reached adulthood.
Move to England
In 1912 Joseph moved to England. He held a few jobs, namely; body builder, circus performer, professional boxer and self-defense instructor for police schools and detectives at Scotland Yard.
When the First World War started in 1914, Joseph was deemed to be an ‘enemy alien’ due to his German origins and was put in an internment camp in Lancaster Castle.
He studied yoga and movement continuously; in particular he studied animals with a special focus on the movement of cats. He later acknowledged that the movement of cats inspired many of his exercises.
The birth of Controlology
Joseph endeavoured to improve the health of his fellow inmates. He taught them wresting and self defence. He also developed and refined a series of equipment free exercises to help them stay fit and strong. He devised exercised to rehabilitate injured war veterans. Controlology was born.
He was transferred to another internment camp on the Isle of Man and continued his observations and developments there.
Meeting the wife and Opening a Studio
In 1926, Joseph Pilates left England and headed for the United States. On the ship over there, he met his future wife Clara. They settled in New York and opened a studio together. They taught students together well into the 1960s. Controlology was up and running!
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
Controlology Principles
The principles of Controlology were in teaching people to;
Use the mind to control the muscles
Focus predominantly on the core
The premise that the core postural muscles keep the body balanced
The premise that the core postural muscles support the spine
Focus on spinal alignment
Coordinating physical movements with the breath
Strengthening the torso
Strengthening the deep abdominal muscles
The first studio shared a building with the New York City Ballet, so it is no surprise that Joseph and Clara soon has a large following from the New York dance and performing arts community. When word got out that ballerinas were attending the studio, society women wanted to join in too!
However, we must remember that Joseph was a boxer and body builder so Controlology was not just for dancers - it was for everybody, whether they wanted to gain strength, flexibility or recover from injury.
One of the ballerinas that attended the studio was Romana Kryzanowska who went on to become Joseph Pilates protege. She discovered Joseph’s studios when she was only 16 and suffering from an ankle injury. Joseph recognised her natural talent and took her on to assist him and his wife Clara in the studio. He made her the Studio Director towards the end of his career. Kryzanowska and her daughter continued to run the original studio.
Due to the popularity of this new form of exercise, many of Joseph’s students went on to open their own studios across the country.
Photo by Awaken LIVE on Unsplash
Joseph Pilates wrote several books, and continued to advocate and teach his method all the way through his life, even when he could no longer physically participate. He died in New York City in 1967. He as 83 years old.
Recharge Plus offers Pilates classes and private sessions to you from their studio in Kew, Melbourne. Live classes can also be joined remotely from zoom, whatever your location. What’s more, Recharge Plus On Demand enables you to do our Pilates classes anywhere and any time that suits you. You will find different class types here, including; Beginners Pilates, Pilates Props, and Pilates Circuit.
Go forth and enjoy!