Glute muscles are notoriously lazy. We need to activate them!
Why do I focus on the glutes so much? Well, we all love a peachy, pert butt, but it’s not just the aesthetic benefits that we reap from doing glute exercises believe it or not! A strong butt that works well not only looks good but knows how to ‘activate’ and ‘fire up’ as required.
We use our glutes all the time without thinking - not just in the gym. They are essential for walking and climbing. We also spend so much of our time sitting on them.
In todays lazier desk and technology based lifestyles, our glutes have become notoriously lazy. It’s often the case that they can forget how to ‘activate’ and ‘fire up’ and may need a reminder.
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash
The dangers of lazy glutes (beside missing out on a perky peach of a butt!) is that when we do go to make movements that require the glute muscles, the load will be transferred to other muscles groups if the glutes insufficiently switch on. Over time, this will lead to imbalances and injuries in the body.
Have you ever gone for a run or played a team sport after some time away form exercise, to find that over the next day or two you feel tightness in your quads, hip flexors, calfs or ankles, but don’t feel anything at all in your glutes? This is usually feedback that the sore muscle groups have taken the load from the activity as opposed to the glutes.
Don’t stress if this is happening. Your body is very good at giving you feedback and you need to learn to listen to it, you can react accordingly. This is where warm up and glute activation work prior to the strenuous lifts of cardio efforts will make a huge difference.
Photo by Andrew Tanglao on Unsplash
Recharge Plus Pilates Props classes and Recharge Plus Circuit classes contain a lot of glute activation type movements. Whether you’re standing, lying on your back, on all fours or lying on your side, Recharge Plus can help you get right in there and give your glutes a darn good pump! You will learn to develop body awareness and a greater degree of mind body connection. This is essential for strength development and active ageing.
Photo by Ahtziri Lagarde on Unsplash
Glute activation exercises prior to a workout are very helpful so that the strength work hits the target area. Recharge Plus can help get you there. In addition to the recruitment and activation of the muscle groups, it is essential that we learn to relax them too. This is where rolling and stretching comes in. By being patient with your body and doing the activation work, the load work and the letting go work, you will benefit from a strong muscle group and a greater feeling of control and you learn to recognise the feedback your body is giving you.
Go for it!
Kirsty xo